Thursday, October 11, 2012

Next Sweater in Progress

"And then we can go outside?"
I've finally gotten started on Pebbles's next sweater. She is an elderly dog, so I felt that she really needed a granny sweater to suit her personality. No frilly, pink feathered things for this old lady dog on days when she's feeling her doggy arthritis and creaking around the house; she needs something truly matronly.

I decided to make her Whistler's Mother's Dog's Sweater. If you've ever seen James McNeill Whistler's Arrangement in Gray and Black No. 1, you know that iconic black dress, and it seems to me to be the epitome of an old-time elderly lady's wardrobe. Pebbles needs just such a dress.

I'm working it in crochet, and so far I have the bodice complete. I had to go ahead and stitch the buttons on so I could try it on her for fit, and I might need to move them because it's a little baggier than I would like. Now to get the skirt just right, and a nice high white lacy collar to go on it.

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